Test Method for Measuring Air Performance Characteristics of Vacuum Cleaner
Motor/Fan Systems
This test method covers procedures for
determining airperformance characteristics of series universal motor/fan
systemsused in commercial and household upright, canister, stick,hand-held
utility, combination type vacuum cleaners andhousehold central vacuum cleaning
These tests and calculations include
determination ofsuction, airflow, air power, maximum air power, and inputpower
under specified operating conditions.
The inch-pound system of units is used
in this standard.The values in parentheses are given for information only.
This standard may involve hazardous
materials, operations,and equipment. This standard does not purport toaddress
all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with itsuse. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard toestablish appropriate safety and
health practices and determinethe applicability of regulatory limitations prior
to use.
Significance and Use
The test results allow the comparison of
the maximumair power at the vacuum cleaner motor/fan system inlet underthe
conditions of this test method.
Plenum Chamber
Water Manometers
Sharp-Edge Orifice Plates
Voltage, Regulator System
A minimum of three units of the same
model vacuumcleaner motor/fan system, selected at random in accordancewith good
statistical practice, shall constitute the populationsample.
To determine the best estimate of
maximum air powerfor the population of the vacuum cleaner motor/fan systemmodel
being tested, the arithmetic mean of the maximum airpower of the sample from
the population shall be establishedby testing it to a 90 % confidence level
within 65 %.
Annex A2 provides a procedural example
for determiningthe 90 % confidence level and when the sample sizeshall be
Preparation for Test
Mount the vacuum cleaner motor/fan
system unit to theplenum chamber by any convenient method meeting
therequirements below.
The motor/fan system inlet shall be
centered withrespect to the outlet opening of the plenum chamber.
The motor/fan system inlet shall be
mounted to theplenum chamber such that the inlet does not project into
theplenum chamber.
If necessary, mount the motor/fan system
to astand-off pipe, having an inside diameter of 4 in. and suitablelength to
prevent the motor/fan system inlet from projectinginto the plenum chamber.
Secure the motor/fan system unit to the
plenumchamber such that it does not rotate when the motor starts.
Seal all leaks between the motor/fan
system inlet andthe plenum chamber by any convenient means.
For vacuum cleaner motor/fan systems
requiring apart from the vacuum cleaner housing to complete the fanchamber, it
is acceptable to mount the motor/fan system to thispart and in turn mount the
fan chamber’s inlet to the plenumchamber.
It may be necessary to modify the vacuum
cleanerhousing by any convenient means to allow the fan chamberinlet to be
mounted. The modifications shall notaffect performance.
Connect the motor/fan system to the
power supply usinga length of cable of sufficient size to maintain rated
voltage atthe motor/fan system electrical terminals.
Set the manometers to zero and check all
instruments forproper operation.
Record the test station pressure and the
dry-bulb andwet-bulb temperature readings within 6 ft. of the test area.
Readthe barometric pressure to the nearest 0.02 in. (0.51 mm), andthe dry-bulb
and wet-bulb temperatures to the nearest 0.2°F(0.1°C).
Connect a manometer or equivalent
instrument to theplenum chamber.
Connect a wattmeter and a voltmeter in
the line inaccordance with Fig. 4.
Wattmeter Correction—If needed, the
indication may becorrected for voltmeter and wattmeter potential coil loss
byopening the load circuit on the load side of the wattmeter withthe line
voltage at the operating value. The wattmeter currentconnection may be at its
most sensitive position. Subtract thisloss value from the total load indication
to obtain the true load.
6. Test Procedure
Operate the vacuum cleaner motor/fan
system with noorifice plate inserted in the plenum chamber inlet at
nameplaterated voltage 6 1 % and frequency 6 1 Hz prior to the start ofthe test
run to allow the unit to reach its normal operatingtemperature. For vacuum
cleaner motor/fan systems with dualnameplate voltage ratings, conduct testing
at the highest voltage. Do this before each test run.
The vacuum cleaner motor/fan system is
to be operatedat its nameplate rated voltage 6 1 % and frequency 6 1
Hzthroughout the test. For vacuum cleaner motor/fan systemswith dual nameplate
voltage ratings, conduct the test at thehighest voltage.
Allow the vacuum cleaner motor/fan
system to operateat the open orifice for 1 to 2 min between test runs.
While operating the vacuum cleaner
motor/fan systemper 8.2, insert orifice plates sequentially into the orifice
plateholder of the plenum chamber starting with the largest sizeorifice and
following it with the next smaller orifice plate. Usethe following orifice
plates: 2, 1-1⁄2, 1-1⁄4, 1, 7⁄8, 3⁄4, 5⁄8, 1⁄2, 3⁄8, 1⁄4 and 0 in. (50.8, 38.1,
31.7, 25.4, 22.2, 19.0, 15.8, 12.7,9.5, 6.3 mm). The following optional orifice
plates may also beused: 2-1⁄2, 2-1⁄4, 1-3⁄4, 1-3⁄8, 1-1⁄8 in. (63.5, 57.2,
44.5, 34.9,28.6 mm).
For each orifice plate, record the
suction, h, and inputpower, P, in that order. All readings should be taken
within 10s of the orifice insertion. Allow the vacuum cleaner motor/fansystem
to operate at the open orifice for 1 to 2 min beforeinserting the next orifice.
Read the suction to the nearest
graduation of themanometer. Readings should be taken as soon as the
manometerreaches a true peak. (When using a fluid type manometer,the liquid
level may peak, drop, and peak again. The secondpeak is the true peak reading.
A person conducting the test forthe first time shall observe at least one run
before recordingdata.
Standard Concerning Vacuum Cleaner
- 60312-1
This International Standard is
applicable for measurements of the performance of dry vacuumcleaners for
household use in or under conditions similar to those in households.The purpose
of this standard is to specify essential performance characteristics of dry
vacuumcleaners being of interest to the users and to describe methods for
measuring thesecharacteristics.
General conditions for
Atmospheric conditions
Standard atmosphere 23/50
Temperature: (23 ± 2) °C
Relative humidity: (50 ± 5) %
Air pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa
· Test equipment and materials
To minimize the influence of
electrostatic phenomena, measurements on carpets shall becarried out on a flat
floor consisting of a smooth untreated pine plywood or equivalent panel,at
least 15 mm thick and of a size appropriate for the test.Equipment and
materials for measurements (devices, test carpets, test dust etc.) to be used
ina test shall, prior to the test, be kept hanging free or lying flat for at
least 16 h at standardatmospheric conditions.
Voltage and frequency
Unless otherwise stated, measurements
shall be carried out at rated voltage with a tolerance of±1 % and, if
applicable, at rated frequency.Vacuum cleaners designed for d.c. only shall be
operated at d.c. Vacuum cleaners designedfor both a.c. and d.c. shall be
operated at a.c. Vacuum cleaners not marked with ratedfrequency shall be
operated at either 50 Hz or 60 Hz, as is common in the country of use.For
vacuum cleaners with a rated voltage range, measurements shall be carried out
at themean value of the voltage range if the difference between the limits of
the range does notexceed 10 % of the mean value. If the difference exceeds 10 %
of the mean value,measurements shall be carried out both at the upper and lower
limits of the voltage range.If the rated voltage differs from the nominal
system voltage of the country concerned,measurements carried out at rated
voltage may give test results misleading for the consumer,and additional
measurements may be required. If the test voltage differs from the
ratedvoltage, this shall be reported.
Running-in of vacuum cleaner
Prior to the first test on a new vacuum
cleaner it shall be kept running with unrestricted air flowfor at least 2 h to
ensure adequate running-in. For active nozzles, the agitation device shall
berunning but not in contact with the floor.Prior to conducting any series of
tests, the age, condition, and history of the product shall berecorded.
Equipment of the vacuum cleaner
If the vacuum cleaner is designed to be
used with disposable dust receptacles, it shall, prior toeach measurement, be
equipped with a new dust receptacle of the type recommended orsupplied by the
manufacturer of the vacuum cleaner.If the vacuum cleaner is provided with a
reusable dust receptacle (as the sole original dustreceptacle or as an
enclosure for disposable dust receptacles), the dust receptacle and
anyadditional filters removable without the aid of tools shall, prior to each
measurement, becleaned according to manufacturer’s instructions until its
weight is within 1 % or 2 g of itsoriginal weight whichever is the lower.
Operation of the vacuum cleaner
The vacuum cleaner and its attachments
shall be used and adjusted in accordance with themanufacturer's instructions
for normal operation for the test to be carried out. Heightadjustment controls
for the cleaning head shall be set as appropriate for the surface to becleaned
and the position noted. Any electrical controls shall be set for maximum
continuous airflow and, unless the manufacturer's instruction states otherwise,
any manually operated air bypassopenings for reduction of the suction power
shall be closed, and if open, it shall bereported. Any safety-related device
shall be allowed to operate.The tube grip of cleaners with suction hose or the
handle of other cleaners shall be held as fornormal operation at a height of
(800 ± 50) mm above the test floor.During measurements where the agitation
device of an active nozzle is not used as in normaloperation, the agitation
device shall be running but not in contact with any surface.
Conditioning prior to each tests
If the vacuum cleaner is unused and
de-energized for more than 1 h, then the vacuum cleanerand attachments to be
used shall be kept running for at least 10 min under the provisions givenin 4.4
to allow them to stabilize.
Mechanical operator
In order to achieve reliable results,
certain measurements require the cleaning head to bemoved at uniform speed over
the test area and without exerting an additional force pressingthe cleaning
head against the test surface.It is recommended to simulate the handling of the
vacuum cleaner by using a mechanicaloperator such as described in 7.3.12. The
tube grip of cleaners with suction hose or the handleof other cleaners shall
then be attached to the linear drive so that its center pivots at a heightof
(800 ± 50) mm above the test surface. For nozzles without pivoting connectors,
it shall beensured that the bottom of the cleaning head be made parallel with
the test surface byadjusting the handle height within the tolerances. If this
is not possible, the length of atelescopic tube may be adjusted. Any adjustment
shall be reported.The linear drive may be motorized or operated by hand. The
method of operation shall bereported.
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